#Oki #Pay #Per #Click #Oki_Pay_Per_#Click
Oki is a Pay Per Click Business Script, Suitable for PPC, CPM, PPV, PPA Business. Fully Responsive, 100% Secure, Anti-Fraud Enable PTC Base MLM Buinsess platform Developed with PHP Laravel. Included 1:1 Binary Matching and sponsor bonus facility. 100% Dynamic Admin Panel which allow you to maintain and change A to Z of you website. included 8 Automated Payment Method, Support Bitcoin, Package Based Registration System, Support Multiple Templates Color and More….
USER Panel:
⇋ Fully Responsive Design.
⇋ Informative Menus.
⇋ PTC Advertising.
⇋ Create PTC Campaign.
⇋ Manage Advertisement.
⇋ PTC Income Details.
⇋ Package Based Joining.
⇋ Purchase Click / Advertisement.
⇋ Frontend Payments Proofs.
⇋ Video and Statistics.
⇋ Secure Login & Registration.
⇋ Unique User Dashboard.
⇋ Binary Summery.
⇋ Network Tree.
⇋ Referral Center.
⇋ Referral Commission.
⇋ Binary Commission.
⇋ Automated Add Fund.
⇋ Withdraw Management.
⇋ Fund Transfer.
⇋ Transaction History.
⇋ Profile Management.
⇋ Support Ticket.
⇋ 2FA Security.
⇋ Email Notification.
⇋ SMS Notification.
ADMIN Panel:
⇋ General Settings.
⇋ PTC Manage Limitation.
⇋ PTC Link Management.
⇋ PTC Packages Setup.
⇋ Request Advertises.
⇋ Advertise Log.
⇋ Rejected Advertise.
⇋ Policy & Terms Settings.
⇋ Email Template Settings.
⇋ SMS Api Settings.
⇋ Menu Settings.
⇋ Slider Image Settings.
⇋ Logo Settings.
⇋ Service Management.
⇋ Team Management.
⇋ Contact Management.
⇋ About Management.
⇋ Social Management.
⇋ Footer Management.
⇋ Testimonial Management.
⇋ Users Tree Image Management.
⇋ Background Images Management.
⇋ Withdraw Methods Management.
⇋ Withdraw Requests Management.
⇋ View Log.
⇋ Payment Gateways Management.
⇋ Payment Log.
⇋ Users Management.
⇋ Matching History.
⇋ Support Ticket Management.
⇋ Commission Settings.
⇋ And More.
Script Comes With:
- Excellent support with a fast response rate.
- Fix any bugs or broken content.
- Help get you setup and installed!
- Secure Database that uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!
- Protects against CSRF attacks!
- HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!
- Built using the latest Strong LARAVEL Framework.
- Passwords are encrypted By bcrypt encryption.
- You should need GMP Extension to run it.
Demo Access:
Demo Frontend: https://script.codedokan.com/
Admin Access: https://script.codedokan.com/admin
Demo Admin ID: admin || Password: admin
Support Facility:
Please send us your product presale query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other queries to our dedicated support: Support@codedokan.com